Risk Management
What is risk management? Do you need insurance?

- If you’re married, how much do you contribute to the family budget? If something happened to you, could your partner get by without your income to support the family?
- Does anyone else depend on your income, such as a parent, grandparent, sister or brother?
- If you’re a single parent, are you receiving any support payments? Would these payments be kept up in the event the contributor gets ill or dies prematurely?
- If you have children, do you want to put aside money towards their education in the event of your illness or death?
- Do you have a mortgage on your home? Do you want it to be paid off if something happens to you?
- Are there any other family members to whom you would like to leave an inheritance? What about your church or favourite charity?
Risk management is a proper planning to protect you and your family against unexpected illness or premature death.
Critical Illness
Getting sick isn’t something any of us like to think about. But it happens. Thanks to improvements in healthy living and medical science there’s a good chance you’ll recover and get on with your life. But getting better costs money.
The cost to treat and cope with a critical illness is often significant
and unexpected. That’s where Critical Illness insurance can help. It provides a cash benefit if you’re diagnosed with one of the covered conditions described in your contract and you survive the waiting period.
You can have proper protection when you need it and if you never get sick, or surrender your policy, you can have all your premiums back.
Disability Insurance
If you become disabled, your ability to earn income may be compromised, and your ability to pay bills or save for retirement may decline. Our disability insurance plans are designed to help you meet your income requirements so you can concentrate on recovering from your disability and returning to an active life.
The peace of mind that income protection can provide is available for professionals, business owners, business executives, and full-time, part-time or home-based workers. Whether you need to secure your main source of income or to supplement the coverage you receive from your employer or an association, we can help by providing a comprehensive and portable plan you can rely on throughout your working years.
Life insurance
Having the right life insurance protection can make a big difference in your life and the lives of those close to you.
A proper financial security plan that includes life insurance can mean the difference between leaving your estate financially secure and leaving behind debts and an inadequate income
To find out about our complete range of life, disability and critical illness insurance plans, contact our advisor today. It may be the most important financial planning decision you’ll ever make.
Our Offers:
Live Your Dream
We believe that all wealth management starts with a dream. Our role is to help you develop a financial plan that will allow you to live your dream.
Whether your dreams are short-term or long-term, grand or modest, no matter what stage of life you are at, we want to help you live your dream. Dreams are very personal.
Your dream may be to finance your children’s education, to purchase a summer home or to enjoy a retirement free from financial worry. Whatever your dream, we are here to help.